Grow your capacity for love.

Relationship confidence comes from within you and shines out to reach others. How you show up matters and directly influences how others respond to you. It’s a feedback loop and your part of the equation is under your control.

Redefining Love Coaching Program

A 12 week coaching program for transforming the relationship you have with yourself. Become your own champion in life and love. Find emotional safety within, Recognize what healthy love looks like. Learn to stay centered in your own ability and make worthiness your foundation for creating meaningful connections with others.

Calling In The One Coaching

Find true happiness in love with private coaching sessions based on the best selling book by Katherine Woodward Thomas, Calling In The One. Gain clarity on your vision of happy, healthy love relationships and become magnetic to the perfect partner inside of this 8 week process.

Wholehearted Women’s Circle

A group of heart centered women who are on a journey to release fears and open to greater love in their lives. An 8 week group coaching program for stepping further into self acceptance while shedding self criticism and self doubts. Experience a community of supportive women and develop meaningful connections.

“Unless you consciously choose a different future, your past will decide it for you.”

— Rod Stryker