What clients say…

“Lori's a super coach! She's organized, empathetic and an all-around experienced professional who knows how to help and guide her clients. I looked forward to my coaching sessions with her, and would recommend her highly to anyone looking for this type of service.”

— Karin Lee, Arizona


“I am so grateful to have worked with Lori. She is extremely good at her job. I felt connected to her immediately and she gently guided me through an important transition. She provided me with a safe place to be open and honest with my feelings. To have her witness and honor my feelings without judgement is something I will always be appreciative of.”

— Lori Bass, Wisconsin


“Working with Lori enabled me to work though a deeper level of childhood issues which were holding me back from truly connecting in relationships! She facilitated healing and growth by helping me access what I could not have been able to see/hear on my own. Her way of working is incredibly gentle and insightful, she brings a compassionate presence while holding up the goal of connecting more deeply in relationship. The space provided by Lori accelerated my personal growth journey - I am incredibly grateful for her. I highly recommend to anyone and everyone!”

— Kara White, Wisconsin


“Lori is a fantastic! Instead of looking at me as a client with something wrong that she is there to help fix, she sees me (and all her clients, I imagine) as a beautiful, perfect, connected being that just needs some support to see (or remember) who I truly am. It has been a wonderful and enlightening journey that has changed my life in every good way I could (and couldn't even) have hoped. I am enjoying my journey with special thanks to Lori's support. I couldn't have asked for a more compassionate and wise coach to lead me back to myself and find healing.”

—Amanda, Wisconsin


“What does Lori do?
Here is my assessment after six sessions with her.

Lori allowed me to go where I wanted to regarding agenda, discussion, and probing. She began each session where we left off at the prior one but only after checking with me was there something else I wanted to do.

Lori at an opportune moment would pose a question or a thought that would give me pause. Her gentle nudge led me to another path of understanding and clarity. This happened in each session. Lori sensed a theme with me and she would guide me back as I tried to distract myself and her. She led me to examine what I was sure of such that I have learned new ways of thinking and feeling.

There were times when I felt Lori completely sink in with my trauma and confusion. She knew it and felt it. She made me feel seen and heard and safe.

So in my experience that is what Lori does. I highly recommend her without reservation.”

—Paul, Wisconsin

Jessica, Wisconsin