Hi I’m Lori…

an experienced psychotherapist & relationship-health professional.

I’ve been a licensed psychotherapist for 20+ years with extensive experience fixing relationship issues, and married for 30 years to my partner in life.

I’m also an expert in self sabotage.

At 18, I was a successful model in New York- traveling around the world for fabulous shoots-a rare and tremendous opportunity for a young girl. Anyone watching me would say I had made it.

Here I am on the cover of Paris Vogue.

But looks can be deceiving.


I was so scared and insecure I couldn’t take advantage of the opportunity in front of me . While I seemed to be on top of my game, working for top fashion magazines and designers, inside I was terrified of rejection and full of self loathing

I unconsciously sabotaged my success. I made bad choices such as eating pints of ice cream every night, perming my hair, and refusing modeling jobs. I’d have panic attacks in airports and I’d endlessly try to control other people.

Underneath the tiger stripes of all my harsh judgments and abrasive delivery was a scared little rabbit.

What was going on?

I couldn’t see it then, but my history held me back.

The many relational traumas I’d experienced growing up were making it impossible for me to show up for the dream job knocking on my door. 

Things like losing my dad after my parents divorced when I was barely 3 years old. Then losing my mom who went off to work. After all, she had just become a single mom of four kids.

Like so many other families, we came from a long line of poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse. These forces compounded into painful moments of abuse and neglect and these experiences left me with well-worn patterns of dysfunction

At 18, I was not prepared for adulthood. It didn't matter how many opportunities showed up.

Luckily, I had a fierce determination to heal and grow.


I decided I would restore myself to wholeness-no matter how long it took.

For years, I studied everything I could get my hands on–I even took self help books to sporting events to read during intermission.

I dove head-first into healing work. I spent countless hours on a meditation pillow, got hypnotized, hiked in the Andes with shamans, and broke a plank with karate chop.

I’ve tried pretty much everything you’ve heard of (and probably a few you haven’t) to end up where I am now- happy, full of love, confident, and empowered- for REAL this time. 

“I have come to drag you out of yourself, and take you in my heart. I have come to bring out the beauty you never knew you had and lift you like a prayer to the sky.”

— Rumi

Relationship satisfaction starts with gaining awareness and clarity for how to move forward. 

Self expression, boundary setting, and calmly managing difficult emotions allowed me to outgrow the black cloud that seemed to follow me.

I discovered my authentic power and stopped feeling like a victim. Big surprise, it had NOTHING to do with controlling other people’s behavior! It was about giving myself a chance by learning to not abandon myself.

This transformed my life and my relationships.

These lessons didn’t come easily. The journey lasted for many years. In fact, I continue to explore and learn to this day.

I share this healing journey with you because my transformation informs all the work I do now. 

I’ve got an eye for finding the old broken patterns that keep you stuck and will show you how to liberate yourself and create genuine closeness in your relationships.

Are you ready?

Contact me to get more information.

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