Free Resources

Feel more effective with these free guided meditations & mindfulness teaching.


Guided Meditation

40 minutes

Feel the shift to pure calm when you give yourself the gift of your own sweet attention. This is an uplifting journey from the busyness of everyday life to feeling open and centered.

Grounding Meditation

Grounding Meditation

7 minutes 

This is a quick reset for you to feel grounded & centered. Experience how quickly you have the ability to shift your state of mind. Great for getting out of your head.

Mindfulness for Wellbeing

Mindfulness for Wellbeing

1 hour 20 minutes

Learn to apply mindfulness to overcome everyday challenges. Empower yourself with self compassion, knowledge about your stress system and how to face upsets without reacting.

Free downloads for greater joy and satisfaction in life and relationships.


Four Key Mindset Shifts to End People Pleasing


A guide to a new way of thinking that will help overcome the need to people please your way through life. And instead, start realizing how to build better relationships, claim your confidence, and get to what really matters.


Finding P.E.A.C.E.


A step-by-step process for shifting difficult emotions. These five steps will take you from flooded to effective every time. It guides you to let go and makes choices consciously. 

Grounding Meditation

Five Powerful Questions to a Happier Life


Connect to greater happiness by answering these five questions. Gain the clarity you need to make more fulfilling decisions in your everyday life.

Mindfulness for Wellbeing

Nine Ways to Quiet the Mind


Struggle with over-thinking? This e-book offers you nine simple practices for letting go of disruptive thoughts. Learn about the wild nature of a busy mind and how to regain a sense of control.


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